Tissue Ownership Essay

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The Issue of Tissue Rights Essay

The rising rate of individuals developing ailments that are able to be given solution through tissue sampling has been researched upon and is considered a viable source of ease when it comes to health. Nevertheless, the procedure of giving solution to the said ailments has received both negative and positive reviews from medical practitioners and experts in the field of biotechnology. The ethical conditions that are touched by this particular issue create a distinct indication of specific points of question that needs to be addressed accordingly.

The written material from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics specifically provide a clear indication on what tissue culturing is about, its issues and how such issues should be responded to in accordance to the needs of the people hoping to be cured through it. The reading was released in 1995 entitled Human Tissue and Legal Issues. This written work points out how a fetal tissue is viewed by other members of the society as the core source of life, thus demands to be respected accordingly. However, there are also those who consider it just an element of life thus does not need to be treated as an individual; this then connotes that tissue culturing from such source need not be considered as somewhat a course of murderous act on the part of the medical practitioners perfecting the said process of modern medication.

Another viable source is that of Claire Devine’s (2010) Tissue Rights and Ownership: Is a Cell Line a Research Tool or a Person? This particular reference provides a distinct approach on explaining the issues more directly and how mortality and life should be given attention to when the aspect of human tissue culturing is being talked about whether or not it is for the good of the human society today. Citing the different contending ideas of the said issue at hand, this material shall help make a distinct indication on how morality and medicine tend to go against each other in relation to the issue of tissue development and how modern medicine is supposed to embrace the realities of medical advancement through research.

Both of the materials reviewed for this particular presentation shows a distinct point that defines what tissue culturing and tissue research is about. Utilizing them for the research provides a good foundation for the researcher in pointing out how ethical issues are being dealt with by the medical industry and how this matter should affect the human society as a whole.

Works Cited

  1. Devine, C. (2010). Tissue Rights and Ownership: Is a Cell Line a Research Tool or a Person? http://www.stlr.org/2010/03/tissue-rights-and-ownership-is-a-cell-line-a-research-tool-or-a-person/. Retrieved on November 25, 2013.
  2. Berkeley Technolgy Law. (2001). Issues of property, ethics and consent in the transplantation of fetal reproductive tissue. http://www.law.berkeley.edu/journals/btlj/articles/vol9/Meeker.pdf. Retrieved on November 25, 2013.
  3. Nouffield Council on Bioethics. (1995). Human Tissue: ethical and legal issues. http://www.who.int/ethics/en/ETH_Nuffield_human_tissue.pdf. Retrieved on November 25, 2013.
  4. Thow-Hing, M.N. (2012). ‘Do We Own Our Bodily Tissues?’ http://voiceofsandiego.org/2012/04/30/do-we-own-our-bodily-tissues/. Retrieved on November 25, 2013.

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