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We are responsible for choosing essay writers. We hire only the best after a rigorous five-step selection process. This ensures that each expert here has a verified MS/PhD earned from one of the top US institutions and possesses a high level of field knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of essay writing requirements. Plus, they are all native speakers working with us full-time.
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Proofreading is commonly known as a correction of errors in the text, be it typos, omissions of letters, punctuation marks, etc. However, it should not only be mechanical editing of your writing – it is the text’s optimization in terms of its tone of voice, persuasiveness, coherence, and logical order. To make an actually pleasant-to-read text, one should obtain a skill of advanced writing, or simply hire someone who already possesses such a qualification.
The creation of presentations, commercial offers, working documents, translations of websites, academic works are just a few examples of cases when increased demands are placed on the quality of writing. However, not every person is capable of writing good, and even less of those people are ready to spend hours on papers’ editing. If you, reader, belong to this type of people, then you’re in luck – we have an effective solution to present you. When the need to create awesome texts has appeared, it is always better to entrust your writing to someone more experienced. Our platform offers a quick resolving of your proofreading problem, presented in the face of 350+ pro authors, who can touch up your text and make it outstanding. As it was stated above, text editing involves checking spelling, punctuation, grammar, and correcting the general appearance of the text. It is more than just regular processing of writing – good editing includes a complete immersing into the theme of the text so that the correctness of terms usage and fact-checking can be conducted. A cheap editing service may revise your grammar, but what about the message of your text, its persuasiveness?
Our service offers an all-round checking of your text that as well includes the correctness of the applied terminology. Firstly, your work will be entrusted to a native speaker who will make sure that the text is free from basic spelling, semantic, punctuation errors. Secondly, editing and proofreading work is entrusted to the best subject-matter writer available. We are convinced that the person performing the work must understand the topic’s terminology, and possess substantial knowledge of the subject. These are the basic demands we put before a candidate who aims at becoming our online professional editor. A good author is a professional who will be able to choose the correct intonation for your text, taking into account its subject and mimicking your tone of voice. In our company, we only hire professional editors with the linguistic backgrounds who are always ready to help students with texts editing of any complexity, that include:
- Articles for top-rated scientific journals.
- Monographs, books, literature.
- Scientific reviews, reports, abstracts.
- Dissertations.
- Patents, essays, thesis, and etc.
If you’ve decided to work with us, you will for sure get:
- Protection of your data. We care about the confidentiality of your private information – for that, we follow a strict privacy policy to ensure the security of your valuable data.
- Round-the-clock availability. Our 24/7 support team is always ready to consult you and answer all your inquiries.
- You select your professional writer. If you’re a standing customer of ours, who has already tried to work with a particular author, it is possible to arrange your cooperation again. Add your wishes to the order you’re submitting, and we’ll try to fulfill them!
- Prompt execution of orders. It is possible to edit your writing in a day. Deadlines and total cost of work can be adjusted depending on your requirements.
- We always try our best to make our prices pleasantly surprise you. It is very important for us that you get excellent service quality for a reasonable price.
- Reliable approach to the work. We take into account the style of each work and therefore guarantee not to change the original meaning of the paper with our adjustments.
Haven’t done your essay yet? Order our services now and get the best quality of the work ready by tomorrow morning. Our team of experts will do its best to make your user experience smooth and pleasurable.